Monday, March 28, 2011

Hydraulic Hose & Fittings Tips - Never Mix and Match

from the Hose & Fittings Team / Fluid Power Group at Cross

As one of Parker's leading hose distributors in the country, the Hose & Fittings team at Cross reminds customers never to mix and match components.  To ensure the safest hose assembly practices and highest quality hose assemblies, these are key points and recommendations:

  • assemble another make of hose fitting on Parker hose
  • assemble a Parker hose fitting on another make of hose
  • crimp Parker hose and fitting with a crimper other than Parker approved crimpers
  • crimp other manufacturers' hose and fittings in Parker crimpers

Parker's recommendation on mixing and matching different manufacturer's hoses, fittings and crimping equipment fall right in line with standard industry specifications, specifically SAE J1273.

With the influx of generic, look-alike, and/or knock-off hose and fitting manufacturers today, it is important to point out and correct some of the common misconceptions that are prevalent in the marketplace today:

Misconeption: the fittings look alike; therefore they will perform the same
Correction: despite the fact that some manufacturers' fittings my look like a Parker fitting (including stainless steel), they have not been approved or qualified for use on a Parker hose.  A fitting requires significant testing and final qualification by the manufacturer in order for a fitting to be approved for use on a hose.

Misconception: I can use a Parker fitting on a different manufacturer's hose because it meets the same industry specification as the Parker hose (i.e. 100R1)
Correction: just because a competitive manufacturer's hose may meet an industry specification does not mean that it is approved to be used with a Parker fitting.

Misconception: all crimpers are the same and as long as the crimp looks good and I am close to the recommeded crimp diameter, the hose assembly should be fine.
Correction: a battery of tests and qualification procedures are conducted prior to any formal crimp specification being released by engineering.  Parker publishes and recommends crimp diameters for all its hose and fitting combinations and does not support anything outside of their published specs.

For any needed clarifications on your Parker Hose & Fittings needs, please contact the Hose & Fittings team at Cross 877.813.4245


  1. Hi.I really like your post you done a great jobs . Thanks for sharing valuable information.

    hydraulic fittings Toowoomba

  2. Thanks for sharing this information. I appreciate you keeping me posted. The hydraulic hose fittings are going to be so necessary in the future.

  3. I really wanted to look into hydraulic crimp fittings last week, but I didn't get a chance til today. I'm glad some of this stuff is on the web.

  4. I am looking for an edmonton hydraulic hose company. Do you happen to have any recommendations for me? Please let me know, thanks.

  5. Thanks! I have been looking into hydraulic hose fittings and this was really helpful. I appreciate all the tips and advice. Thanks again for the post!

  6. I had no idea that mixing hydraulic hoses fittings was a bad idea. Thanks for letting me know!


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  8. I need to find some hydraulic hose clamps but I don't know if I need a specific size for my hydraulic hose fittings. Does anyone know about clamp size?

  9. Thanks for the info! I was wondering if I could mix and match the hydraulic hoses and fittings. Thanks for setting me straight!

  10. Wow, I had no idea mixing and matching hydraulic hose parts was a bad idea. Thanks for sharing this, because if I hadn't known, I could have hurt myself somehow.

  11. Thats type of blog is really nice and admirable which provides a great info about hydraulic fittings Toowoomba.I appreciate your manner of writing and want to continue with your blogs.

  12. It's helpful to separate the misconceptions with the corrections in place within this article! Getting the right kinds of fittings and hydraulic hoses takes attention to detail. I'm not exactly sure what to look for. Can you tell me more about crimps?
